If you are sick and tired of all the top porn production videos that most porn giant brands make and want something more real, more palpable that you can relate, then HomeMoviesTube is the best for you.
You can sort through the videos with easy to use menus like Top rated, Most Viewed, Longest and Most Favored. But I will explain about these menus, later on, hold on.
I don't know about you, but I always like to check the top rated videos of any website, they are always a must watch for me. Normally videos in there are sorted by views or by the number of comments, so there is something that makes them the best on the site.
There is also a premium subscription if you want to remove ads, or to get more videos. This is becoming a trend in most post websites. I know a lot of friends that prefer to browse a website without being disturbed by ads.
If you are ok with the videos you already have in the free section, no need to pay for the premium, but up to you. As I said before, some people don't like ads, but I don't mind them, in fact, I think I already have some ad blindness :).
On the site, they also have categories and tags menu on the left-hand side to help you browse even better all the videos. This menu can be hidden if you wish by clicking on the arrow in order to have a bigger screen to watch the videos.
So you can search the homemade videos either via a search or with the menus. The bad thing is that if you click on a category and then on top rated, it does not show you the top rated videos of that category, but instead all the top rated videos they have on the site.